
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Am Fost La Munte Și Mi-a Plăcut "La Deal"

Country: Romania
Genre(s): Instrumental Post Rock/Metal
Format: digital
Release date: April 10, 2019
1. Când Ziceai Că Pleci Pe Vapor? (04:36)
2. Sătrăiți, Sănătate, Serviciușor (06:00)
3. Eu V-am Zis Să Nu Mergem În Centrul Vechi (06:17)
4. Suprafață Utilă (04:43)
5. Am Adus Băutură, Fetelor (06:49)
6. Vedeți Că Asta E Lungă (08:46)

Andrei Stere Câmpean - Drums
Mircea Becherescu - Guitar
Vlad Enescu - Guitar
Matei Pușcaru - Bass, Hurdy-Gurdy
Claudiu Mihail Teohari - Monologue (6)

Many tropes of the genre are present, yet used in refreshing ways. Halfway into opener “Când Ziceai Că Pleci Pe Vapor?” (“When Did You Say You’re Leaving on the Ship?”), the lead guitar shifts slightly. It briefly adopts a bright, piercing tone oddly resonant of the classic rock sound sported so successfully by stalwarts like Zeppelin and Skynyrd. It’s a small but perfect example of risks taken to pioneer within a genre vulnerable to the comfortable and bland. This strong track finishes abruptly, seemingly working towards a final cacophony of reverb and textures; I was genuinely disappointed by the sudden halt.
Read the full review by Shaun Milligan at everythingisnoise.net



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