
Recent Additions

Date    Artist Title Genres Formats   Label Release date
15.03.25  Pymlico "Core" Instrumental Progressive Rock CD, DD, LP Apollon Records 09.05.25
13.03.25  Nuova Era "20.000 leghe sotto i mari" Symphonic CD, DD, LP AMS 28.02.25
10.03.25  Chercán "Chercán" Progressive Rock, Fusion DD 04.03.25
06.03.25  Joviac "Autofiction Pt. 1 - Shards" Progressive Rock/Metal CD, DD Inverse Records 16.05.25
05.03.25  Artnat "Two" Progressive Rock CD, DD 01.03.25
02.03.25  Moon X "Rocket To The Moon" Instrumental Eclectic Progressive Rock CD, DD, LP 07.02.25
13.02.25  Roope Kivimaa "The Canon of All Great Escapists" Progressive Rock, Psychedelic DD 31.01.25
10.02.25  Submarine Silence "Atonement Of A Former Sailor Turned Painter" Symphonic CD, DD, LP Ma.Ra.Cash Records 21.02.25
08.02.25  ATYPIC "APOTROPAIC" Progressive Metal/Rock CD, DD 05.02.25
03.02.25  Fifth Daughter "Stellar Season" Psychedelic, Progressive Rock, Folk LP Fruits de Mer 28.02.25
30.01.25  Marko Bojkovic "Powercore" Progressive Metal DD Forerunner Recordings 24.01.25
29.01.25  Neil Howell "The Way Out" Eclectic Progressive Metal/Rock DD 28.03.25
28.01.25  Hats Off
 Gentlemen It's
"The Uncertainty Principle" Progressive Rock CD, DD 04.03.25
23.01.25  Limite Acque
"Un'Altra Mano Di Carte" Progressive Rock CD, DD Minotauro Records 17.01.25
22.01.25  Jack O' the Clock "Portraits" Avant/Folk/Chamber Progressive Rock CD, DD 13.02.25
21.01.25  Toy Weather "Feathers in a strange wind" Progressive Rock, Art Rock CD, DD Apollon Records 31.01.25
20.01.25  Derev "Troubled Mind" Progressive Metal CD, DD, LP 26.03.25
14.01.25  Reptile King "Goddess over Darkness and Light" Progressive Rock DD 02.01.25
12.01.25  Rioghan "Kept" Progressive Metal CD, DD, LP Inverse Records 14.02.25
27.12.24  Alberto Rigoni "Nemesis Call" Instrumental Fusion, Progressive Rock/Metal CD,DD Eclipse Music 13.12.24
24.12.24  Mad Parish "The Dust Of Forever" Progressive Rock/Metal CD, DD, LP 31.01.25
22.12.24  Psychowatermelon "Ghostpiracy" Instrumental Psychedelic, Space Rock, Electronica, Krautrock DD 04.03.24
16.12.24  Sailor Free "Spiritual Revolution - part three" Progressive Rock CD, DD Tide Records 16.01.25
15.12.24  Lunar "Tempora Mutantur" Progressive Metal CD, DD, MC Saibot Reign Records 31.01.25
15.12.24  Crypto Knight "A Traveller's Tale" Progressive Rock CD, DD 17.01.25
15.12.24  Tumbleweed
"Dark Green" Progressive Rock, Psychedelic, Stoner DD 07.02.25
06.12.24  Quiet Observer "Pocket size universe 3" EP Instrumental Progressive Rock/Metal DD 06.12.24
04.12.24  Ice Exiled "Reset The Sky" Progressive Power Metal DD Inverse Records 29.11.24
03.12.24  Beriedir "Liminal Spaces" Progressive Metal CD, DD Rockshots Records 10.01.25
29.11.24  Xavier Boscher "Starseeds IV" Instrumental Progressive Metal/Rock CD,DD 03.12.24
28.11.24  Glenn C. Victor "Time Flies By Faster…" Instrumental Progressive Rock DD (Free Download) 29.03.24
27.11.24  The Vegetarians "Space Age Pagliacci" Rock, Progressive Rock CD,DD 15.10.24
21.11.24  Blacksmith Tales "Pathway to Hamlet's Mill" Progressive Rock CD, DD Aereostella 20.09.24
18.11.24  Rainbow Face "Enjoy This Ruin" Progressive Rock DD 06.12.24
17.11.24  Kornmo "Vårjevndøgnsnatt" Instrumental Progressive Rock CD, DD Apollon Records 15.11.24
13.11.24  Sendelica "Requiem for Mankind" Instrumental Psychedelic, Space Rock CD, DD, LP Fruits de Mer 10.12.24
12.11.24  Tim Morse "Soundtracks" Progressive Rock CD, DD 12.11.24
30.10.24  Adamantra "Act III: Pareidolia of Depravity" Progressive Metal CD, DD Inverse Records 25.10.24
29.10.24  Bitu "Bitu" Instrumental Progressive Pop/Rock CD,DD Apollon Records 01.11.24
28.10.24  Imaginary
"Dreams from an Empty House" Instrumental Progressive Rock DD 25.10.24
26.10.24  Arkadien "Stories of Arcadia" EP Progressive Rock DD 22.10.24
23.10.24  Raven Sad "Polar Human Circle" Progressive Rock/Metal CD, DD AMS 25.10.24
22.10.24  Ozora "Litany" Progressive Metal CD, DD Rockshots Records 11.10.24
19.10.24  Mile Marker Zero "Coming of Age" Progressive Rock CD, DD 06.07.24
18.10.24  Cloud Over
"Atomic Jupiter" Progressive Rock CD, DD Melodic Revolution Records 06.09.24
17.10.24  Deep Limbic
"Katharsi" Progressive Rock DD 06.12.24
10.10.24  The Snozzberries "The Snozzberries" Progressive Rock, Psychedelic, Funk CD, DD, LP 11.10.24
09.10.24  Ethan Janais "Ultralight" Art Rock CD, DD, LP Absolute Probability 03.10.24
07.10.24  Alphataurus "2084. Viaggio nel nulla" Symphonic CD, DD, LP AMS 04.10.24
28.09.24  Days Between
"Perpetual Motion Machines (Music for a Film)" Progressive Rock CD, DD, LP 29.11.24
27.09.24  svynx "This is Not Art" Progressive Alternative Rock DD, LP 14.09.24
26.09.24  The Old Dead
"Second Thoughts" Progressive Metal CD, DD, LP Season of Mist 06.12.24
25.09.24  Teodicea "Il Mondo Esausto" Instrumental Symphonic CD M.P. & Records 23.09.24
24.09.24  M'Z "Emancipés du Vide?" Instrumental Progressive Rock DD Luminol Records 20.09.24
23.09.24  Achelas "Echoes Of Virtue" Progressive Rock DD 31.08.24
22.09.24  Yobrepus "Rhizome Revolution - Part 2" Progressive Rock Opera CD, DD, LP Apollon Records 18.10.24
21.09.24  Thy Catafalque "XII: A gyönyörű álmok ezután jönnek" Progressive Avant Folk Metal CD, DD, LP Season of Mist 15.11.24
19.09.24  Beledo "Flotando en el vacio" Instrumental Jazz-Rock, Fusion CD, DD, LP Moonjune Records 19.09.24
18.09.24  Tony Levin "Bringing It Down to the Bass" Progressive Rock, Fusion CD, DD Flatiron Recordings 13.09.24
17.09.24  Joe Deninzon &
"Impostor!" Progressive Rock CD, DD 7d media 11.10.24
16.09.24  Chain Code "Synthetic Outcomes" Progressive Rock DD 01.10.24
10.09.24  Thymeshift "Layers of In Between" Instrumental Fusion DD Red Round Records 06.09.24
06.09.24  Crypto Knight "CK1" Progressive Rock DD 30.08.24
02.09.24  The Wring "Nemesis" Progressive Rock/Metal DD Wormholedeath 27.09.24
01.09.24  The Foxholes "Flora i Fauna" Progressive Rock CD, DD 06.09.24
31.08.24  Breeze "Echoes From A Distant Past" Symphonic, Neo-Prog DD 27.08.24
29.08.24  Riccardo Zappa "Gabri Flies to Italy" Instrumental Art Rock CD, DD, LP M.P. & Records 06.05.24
29.08.24  The Flying
"The Flying Norsemen" Retro Prog, Psychedelic, Hard Rock CD, DD, LP Apollon Records 20.09.24
25.08.24  Jon Anderson &
 The Band Geeks
"True" Progressive Rock CD, DD, LP Frontiers 23.08.24
10.08.24  Francisco Meza "Textures" Instrumental Progressive Rock/Metal DD 15.08.24
05.08.24  Anciients "Beyond the Reach of the Sun" Progressive Metal CD, DD, LP Season Of Mist 30.08.24
03.08.24  Egor Lappo "Reasonable Nonsense" Progressive Rock/Metal DD 16.08.24
31.07.24  Arild Brøter "A Spectre Of Sounds - James Bond Music Reimagined" Instrumental Progressive Rock CD, DD, LP Apollon Records 06.09.24
28.07.24  Fen "Dear Mouse" Progressive Alternative Rock/Metal DD 12.09.24
14.07.24  Haven of
"Memento Vivere" Progressive Rock CD, DD, LP Construction Records 20.09.24
11.07.24  Voyag3r "Killer Kabbage" Instrumental Progressive Rock CD, DD, MC 19.07.24
03.07.24  Isle of the
"Faustus The Musical" Progressive Metal Opera CD, DD Rockshots Records 05.07.24
30.06.24  Anchor And
"Extinction Level" Instrumental Experimental, Avant Prog, Fusion CD, DD, LP MoonJune Records 02.02.24
29.06.24  Trojka "Strobemørket" Progressive Rock/Pop CD, DD, LP Apollon Records 16.08.24
28.06.24  Entity "Il naufragio della speranza" Symphonic CD,DD M.P. & Records 24.06.24
25.06.24  Roland
"Figurative" Instrumental Progressive Rock, Fusion DD 23.06.24
24.06.24  The Aphelion "Nascence" Progressive Metal DD 09.08.24
22.06.24  Oceans of
"Where Gods Fear to Speak" Progressive Metal CD, DD, LP Season of Mist 13.09.24
20.06.24  Focus "Focus 12" Symphonic CD,DD, LP Spirit of Unicorn 05.07.24
08.06.24  Kingcrow "Hopium" Progressive Rock/Metal CD, DD, LP Season Of Mist 23.08.24
05.06.24  Kick The Giant "Presence" Progressive Rock/Metal CD,DD Inverse Records 05.07.24
03.06.24  Auro Control "The Harp" Progressive Power Metal CD,DD Rockshots Records 31.05.24
30.05.24  Emphasis "Dekalog" Progressive Rock, Fusion CD,DD 28.05.24
29.05.24  El Poder de
 la Infancia
"El Poder de la Infancia" Progressive Rock DD 30.05.24
28.05.24  Dice "Landing In Area 3-0" Progressive Rock CD,DD Galileo Music 14.06.24
25.05.24  Leon Alvarado "The Changing Tide" Progressive Rock CD,DD Melodic Revolution Records 31.05.24
23.05.24  IZZ "Collapse the Wave" Progressive Rock CD,DD 11.06.24
22.05.24  Harpazo "The Crucible" Progressive Metal/Rock Opera CD,DD Rockshots Records 28.06.24
21.05.24  Crypto Knight "Four Fables" EP Progressive Rock DD 31.05.24
21.05.24  Lucidity "Escherian" Progressive Metal/Rock CD,DD Inverse Records 17.05.24
18.05.24  Mothman and
"Portal Hopper" Progressive Rock/Metal DD 12.07.24
11.05.24  Shumaun "Opposing Mirrors" Progressive Rock/Metal CD,DD 28.06.24
08.05.24  Methexis "Potential Deltas" Progressive Rock, Prog Folk CD,DD, LP 01.05.24
22.04.24  Zolar Czack "Digital meditation" EP Instrumental Progressive Rock, Fusion DD 21.04.24
20.04.24  Tu-Ner "T2: Tu​-​Ner for Lovers" Instrumental, Experimental, Progressive Rock CD,DD 7d Media 03.05.24
19.04.24  Cymbalic
"Afrika Mandalika" Progressive Rock DD 15.04.24
18.04.24  Full Earth "Cloud Sculptors" Instrumental Psychedelic, Stoner, Progressive Rock CD,DD, LP Stickman Records 15.03.24
08.04.24  Teramaze "Eli: A Wonderful Fall From Grace" Progressive Metal CD,DD Wells Records 24.05.24
08.04.24  Môr "The Wisdom of Simple Things" Progressive Rock, Art Rock DD 04.04.24
07.04.24  Cymbalic
"Eclipsis" Instrumental Progressive Rock DD 05.04.24
04.04.24  Elephant9 "Mythical River" Instrumental Progressive Rock, Fusion CD,DD Rune Grammofon 19.04.24
30.03.24  Clan Aldo
"Nordiska Vatten" Instrumental Progressive Rock CD,DD Lizard Records 22.03.24
29.03.24  Jane Getter
"Division World" Progressive Rock CD,DD Esoteric Antenna 23.02.24
28.03.24  Present "this is NOT the end" Avant Prog CD,DD Cuneiform Records 29.03.24
18.03.24  Yobrepus "Rhizome Revolution - Part 1" Progressive Rock Opera CD,DD, LP Apollon Records 22.03.24
02.03.24  Ontologics "It's Safe To Say The Veil Is Thinning" Experimental, Progressive Rock, Hip Hop DD,LP 29.02.24
22.02.24  Marcin Pajak "In The Space" Progressive Rock CD,DD 15.03.24
15.02.24  Giuseppe
 Instant Curtain
"State of Art" Progressive Rock, Canterbury CD,DD, LP 22.11.23
05.02.24  Kyros "Mannequin" Progressive Alternative Rock/Pop CD,DD, LP White Star Records 02.02.24
30.01.24  Quiet Observer "Pocket size universe 2" EP Instrumental Progressive Rock/Metal DD 26.01.24
29.01.24  Mark Wingfield feat. Gary Husband, Asaf Sirkis, Tony Levin, Percy Jones "The Gathering" Instrumental Jazz-Rock, Fusion CD,DD, LP MoonJune Records 15.03.24
28.01.24  Metro Society "The London Conspiracy Chapter I 1898" Progressive Rock/Metal DD 01.03.24
27.01.24  Notio "Worldview" Progressive Metal CD,DD Inverse Records 08.03.24
25.01.24  Cloud People "Simulacra" Instrumental Progressive Rock, Electronica DD,LP Apollon Records 01.03.24
23.01.24  Lucifer Was "En Fix Ferdig Mann" Retro Prog, Hard Rock CD,DD, LP Apollon Records 15.03.24
20.01.24  Gepetto "Awaiting Madre" Progressive Rock DD January 2024
19.01.24  7 Ocean /
 7 Океан
"Father of the Abyss" / "Отец бездны" Progressive Rock DD 18.01.24
17.01.24  For All We
"By Design Or By Disaster" Progressive Rock/Metal CD,DD, LP Construction Records 22.03.24
13.01.24  Brian Tarquin
 Heavy Friends
"Beyond The Warrior's Eyes" Instrumental Progressive Rock, Fusion DD Downtown Music 19.01.24
12.01.24  Ellesmere "Stranger Skies" Symphonic CD,DD, LP AMS 12.01.24
10.01.24  Notion Blue "Out Of Exile" Progressive Rock DD 01.03.24

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